          Coffee Break:真的是人不可貌相 Somewhere over the rianbow... 信用貸款?do=G&id=93014219&n=2300 (公主徹夜未眠)《公主徹夜未眠》歌詞:原文:- 好房網--The Prince---Nessun dorma, nessun dorma ... Tu pure, o Principessa, Nella tua fredda stanza, 房屋買賣Guardi le stelle Che tremano d’amore E di speranza.Ma il mio mistero chiuso in me, Il nome mio nessun sapr, n 西服o, no, Sulla tua bocca lo dir Quando la luce splender, Ed il mio bacio scioglier il silenzio Che ti fa mia.---Chorus---Il nome suo nes 訂做禮服sun sapr E noi dovrem, ahim, morir.---The Prince---Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle! All’alba vincer!引述英文翻譯如下:No one sleeps, no one sleeps... Even 酒店工作 you, o Princess, In your cold room, Watch the stars, That tremble with love And with hope.But my secret is hidden within me; My name no one shall know, no, no, On your mouth I wil 節能燈具l speak it* When the light shines, And my kiss will dissolve the silence That makes you mine.No one will know his name And we must, alas, die.Vanish, o night! Set**, stars! At daybreak, I shall con 裝潢quer!中文的譯詞:誰也不許睡!誰也不許睡!公主啊!妳也一樣,在你冰潔的閨房,妳將注視著,因為愛情和希望而顫抖的星星。但是我的祕密深藏在我心中,沒有人知道我的名字!喔!不,我只能在妳的芳唇上說出它。當明天破曉的時候,我的 禮服熱吻將打破沈默,使妳成為我的人!”無人得知他的名字,我們將難逃一死。消失吧!黑夜!日落,星辰! 天明時,我終將征服一切。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 商務中心  .

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